The Witch of Blackbird Pond Project

The Witch of Blackbird Pond is my favorite book; I’ve read it 11 times. At the end of each reading, I’m left wanting more. This can’t be the final word in the world of Kit Tyler’s New England! So I’d wait patiently for time to pass and eventually, the urge to re-read the book emerges again. This urge may be stirred by a fond childhood memory of reading the book for the first time or a chill in the crisp October air that brings back a specific sensory detail from Elizabeth George Speare’s prose. Whatever the reason may be, I can’t bear to see the story end. I’m searching for something in each re-reading: maybe there is a detail I’ve missed, maybe there’s something more to a character that I’ve previously overlooked, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll find an answer. An answer to what? What exactly am I looking for? The meaning of life?

As you’ve probably guessed, someone who loves a book enough to read it 11 times would have Googled “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” more than once. I regret to report that the internet carries no interesting information regarding the book. Other than one of two insightful reviews, I’m left unsatisfied. Because The Witch of Blackbird Pond is considered children’s literature, it doesn’t lend itself to literary analysis. There is one JSTOR article on the web–an article so dry I felt like I had to drink three cups of water to wash it down.

After years of stumbling upon disappointing Witch of Blackbird Pond content, I’ve decided to provide the content myself. I’m going to embark on a mission to be the most comprehensive Witch of Blackbird Pond site on the web. The first project on my list: a chapter by chapter analysis. Don’t flinch when I say “analysis.” This is The Lit Connection, not the New Yorker. A chapter by chapter analysis “The Lit Connection way” usually means an emphasis on what’s fun and interesting. No book reports here.

So join me in my quest to beat The Witch of Blackbird Pond horse to death.

15 thoughts on “The Witch of Blackbird Pond Project”

  1. I must confess I have never gotten around to this book, but I think it has snuck its way onto the Stack.

  2. Oh how I remember we were suppose to have a book club and this book was the first book we were suppose to read.

  3. I totally know what you mean. The Witch of Blackbird Pond is still one of my top favorite books and I have read it at least 10 times also. I found your site googling the title to see if there are any opinions on the subtle yet electrifying romance between Kit and Nat. I had a crush on Nat when I first read the book. Now so many years later, the book still intrigues me! Please update; I was so happy to find this site!

    I also think they should make a movie out of this book!

  4. BookLover–
    I’m so glad there is a fellow ‘Witch of Blackbird Pond’ fan out there! It’s also reassuring to know that I’m not the only one googling the book to find other people’s opinions. There was a point when I skimmed each and every review in order to find someone who would talk about the subtle chemistry between Kit and Nat. So far, all I’ve unearthed are page after page of plot summary, the same rehash on how it’s such a good children’s book, but none of the good stuff…. After getting fed up, I’ve decided to create the good stuff…

    Yes, it most definitely should be a movie! Elizabeth George Speare’s other novel, ‘The Sign of the Beaver’ was made into a movie, why not this, her most famous book? I’m assuming that Hollywood thinks that Puritans don’t translate well on film, however, I’m sure with a little creatively, they could make this movie look amazing.

  5. I actually found this site by googling the book looking for fanfiction. So far I’ve only seen fanfiction about it on

    I actually thought there was a movie about it…but perhaps not. I’m going to go google that now.

  6. I think I, too, have read this book at least 11 times…..I want another copy. *sigh*

    (And yes, having read your other pages, I can agree with you that Nat Eaton is THE perfect man.)

  7. has an amazing fanfic of the Witch of Blackbird Pond through Nat Eaton’s eyes. It’s called “A Voyage Unforseen” by Love the boots

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I am a teacher and I share this book with my students every fall. I very it as a gift and I know it has become a favorite of many. I have read it at least 14 times and I still love it. I am always looking to wrangle out some new or forgotten detail.

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